TA Instruments – Quenching Dilatometers


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  • TA Instruments – Quenching Dilatometers Brochure

Quenching dilatometers are used to study phase transformations and microstructural changes in steel and metal alloys. Phase transformations occur upon heating and cooling during manufacturing of metal parts and are generated in a controlled way during heat treatment. Changes in microstructure and phase transformations cause changes of volume and expansion rate. Dilatometry is the ideal method to identify the extent and the temperatures of these solid-state phase transitions in metals. Quenching dilatometry helps to optimize heat treatment of metals to yield the required physical properties of the finished product. The heat treatment temperature profile results in different microstructures, which impacts key properties such as hardness yield strength.

Technical Specification

DIL 805A/D/TDIL 805ADIL 805LDIL 805A/D
Temperature Range20˚C to 1700˚C-150˚C to 1300˚C
20˚C to 1700˚C
-150˚C to 1300˚C
20˚C to 1500˚C
20˚C to 1700˚C
Heating PrincipleInductive heating with
constant sinus frequency
Inductive heating with
constant sinus frequency
Inductive heating with
constant sinus frequency
Inductive heating with
constant sinus frequency
Heating Rate100 ˚C/sec≤ 4000 ˚C/sec≤ 4000 ˚C/sec100 ˚C/sec
Cooling Rate≤ 100 ˚C/sec≤ 4000 ˚C/sec≤ 4000 ˚C/sec≤ 100 ˚C/sec
Sample Material and
solid samples
OD=5 mm, L=10 mm
Optional OD 1 mm to 22 mm
solid or hollow samples
OD=4 mm, L=10 mm
Optional OD 1 mm to 22 mm
solid or hollow samples
OD=4 mm, L=10 mm
solid samples
OD=5 mm, L=10 mm
Optional OD 1 mm to 22 mm

Available Models

DIL 805A/D/T further extends the capabilities to alternate tensile and compressive loading to emulate mill processing.  Moreover, tensile loading to fracture lends additional information about the material’s final performance and allows to generate true-stress vs true-strain or stress/strain cycling plots.

DIL 805A represents today the benchmark for determining these dimensional changes and phase transitions. Operating from -160°C up to 1700°C (in two different furnace configurations) with peak heating rates of up to 4000°C/s and peak cooling rates of 4000°C/s, can closely simulate the material response for any production or heat treatment process. DIL 805A allow using a choice of inert and reducing gases as cooling gas. Particularly helium is an effective cooling gas that provides a homogeneous temperature distribution in the metallic sample.

DIL 805L represents today the benchmark for determining these dimensional changes and phase transitions. Operating from -160°C up to 1500°C (in two different furnace configurations) with peak heating rates of up to 4000°C/s and peak cooling rates of 4000°C/s, can closely simulate the material response for any production or heat treatment process. DIL 805L allow using a choice of inert and reducing gases as cooling gas. Particularly helium is an effective cooling gas that provides a homogeneous temperature distribution in the metallic sample.

The DIL 805A/D, on top of the quenching mode, is distinguished by its capability to deform the specimen with controlled deformation rates of of 0.01 to 200 mm/s. Used to optimize steel processes like hot or cold rolling, DIL 805A/D allows to develop time-temperature-transformation diagrams after deformation (DTTT) and is also used to examine creep and relaxation processes.

DIL 830 Series High Resolution Horizontal Dilatometers

DIL 820 Series Vertical Dilatometers


TA instruments

TA instruments provides innovative material characterization instruments that are widely used for research, analysis, and quality control in the evaluation of physical properties. We are the world’s leading supplier of thermal analysis, rheology, and microcalorimetry instruments, and our product areas have expanded to include thermal conductivity & diffusivity, dilatometry, rubber testing, and dynamic mechanical characterization.

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