ASD – Qualityspec – NIR Analyzers
The QualitySpec line of NIR analyzers provides customers in industrial environments the tools necessary to perform rapid, precise, non-destructive measurements. Pair our powerful NIR sensors with calibration modeling services from ASD’s SummitCAL Solutions Team for a full materials analysis solution.
Available Models
ASD’s QualitySpec 7000
at the 2011 Rockwell Automation Fair in Chicago, IL
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ASD Inc., a Malvern PANalytical company, is the global leader in high-performance analytical instrumentation solutions, solving some of the most challenging real-world materials measurement problems. ASD spectrometers — unparalleled in providing laboratory-grade results in the field or on-site — are the instruments of choice for remote sensing, environmental sciences, agricultural, mining, pharmaceutical and pulp and paper industry applications, where results drive paradigm-changing insights, efficiency and profit.