Spectra Analysis – Solid-phase deposition FTIR – DISCOVIR-LC™


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    +66 2 639 7000


  • Spectra Analysis DISCOVIR-LC™ Brochure

Micro-deposition Improves Analysis

DiscovIR’s unique temperature controlled, vacuum deposition method ensures that results are accurate and reproducible. Eluted peaks are first deposited in a film on to a rotating IR transparent disc. Next, an infrared beam passes through each concentrated spot and the detector automatically collects spectral data.

Concentrates Analytes In Minimal Area

Cryogenic temperature control of the Sample Disc minimizes the area of the deposited analyte. This results in a thicker sample layer and therefore Higher Sensitivity of the absorbance spectrum.

New DiscovIR-LCTM system from Spectra Analysis is able to afford total solvent removal from a reversed-phase gradient run (2% to 100% organic) with no change in the operational setpoints of the system. Solid phase Transmission FTIR Spectra are acquired continuously throughout the run.


Key Applications

  • Deformulation
  • Co-polymer compositional drift
  • Extractables and leachables
  • Minor component identification
  • Chemical troubleshooting
  • Degradation/failure analysis

Technical Specifications

System overview
Operating principleDirect deposition of column eluent on moving ZnSe sample disc
IR spectrometerBuilt-in FTIR
IR detector0.1 mm MCT
Wavenumber range4000–700 cm-1
Data collectionReal-time, with post-run analysis available
Spectrum typeTransmittance through disc and solid-phase sample
Disc capacity12-24 hours of chromatography
Window temperature-100°C to +50°C
Data station
Standard features• Real-time and post-run data collect
• Chromatographic / spectral workup
• Band chromatograms for chemical classes
• Ratio chromatograms for profiling trends
Library searchLibrary Search Software included Spectra compatible with all solid phase FTIR Libraries
DiscovIR-LC configuration
Sample deliveryMulti-Step Desolvation Interface
Flow rates accepted0.25 to 1.5 mL/min
Compatible solventsWater, ACN, Methanol, THF, Chloroform

Key Features


  • Micro-Deposition on Cryogenically-Cooled IR-transparent disc
  • Unique, Proprietary LC interface removes solvent interference
  • Collects real-time IR spectrum automatically
  • On-line analysis
  • No sample handling!


Spectra Analysis

Spectra Analysis Instruments, Inc. is a leading supplier of molecular spectroscopy systems and applications for chromatography. Our current products focus on real-time connection of Infrared Spectroscopy to Gas and Liquid Chromatography. Spectra Analysis Instrument’s Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) systems are fully automated to Gas and Liquid Chromatography for analysis of complex mixtures providing high fidelity solid phase spectra for a broad range of applications.

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