BioMérieux – CHEMUNEX® D-COUNT® – Ultra-Rapid Microbiology Detection (Rapid Microbiology Analyzer)


    DKSH Technology Limited (Head Office)
    2533 Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak, Phrakhanong,
    Bangkok 10260, Thailand

    +66 2 639 7000


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Ensuring food product safety is critical in today’s extended supply chains. Customers need peace of mind that they are consuming fresh and high-quality ingredients that have been analyzed using the latest food testing methods. At the same time, manufacturers need to deploy rapid microbiology testing equipment with fast, accurate and compliant laboratory methods for identification of microorganisms to optimize production and ensure profitability. To meet these challenges many food companies all over the world rely on CHEMUNEX® technology. The system offers an advanced solution for the rapid detection of microorganisms that enables to speed up product release and provide safe and fresh food products to customers.

The D-COUNT® system is an advanced analysis solution for the rapid detection of microorganisms. Rapid detection tests in microbiology enable greater efficiencies and enhanced capabilities in the lab.

Rapid microbiology testing with the D-COUNT® system improves quality assurance and production, overcoming the limits of classical microbiology that exist due to the growth rate of microorganisms on culture media.

The advanced solution for rapid testing helps to reduce production cycle times and inventories, as well as implement just-in-time manufacturing processes. It also minimizes the risks and costs associated with potential in-process contamination while continuing to guarantee and enhance the quality of products delivered to customers.

Technical Specifications

D-Count 25D-Count 50
Dimensions1279 x 615 x 530 mm1535 x 600 x 530 mm
Weight75 kg91 kg
Electrical SpecificationsSupply voltageOne phase with earth 100/240 VACOne phase with earth 100/240 VAC
Supply frequency50/60 Hz50/60 Hz
Input100 – 120/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz 25 W100 – 120/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz 350 W
FuseAnalyzer: 250 V T 3.15 AH (5 x 20 mm) (2x)
SPU: 250 V T 5.0 A (5 x 20 mm) (2x)
Analyzer: 250 V T 3.15 AH (5 x 20 mm) (2x)
SPU: 250 V T 5.0 A (5 x 20 mm) (2x)
Environmental Conditions*Operating temperature18 to 28°C (64 to 82°F) 
With a mximum rate of temperature change at 5°C/hr (41°F/hr)
18 to 28°C (64 to 82°F) 
With a mximum rate of temperature change at 5°C/hr (41°F/hr)
Storage temperature2 to 45°C2 to 45°C
Humidity30% to 80% relative humidity, non-condensing30% to 80% relative humidity, non-condensing
Altitude3000 m (9900 ft) maximum3000 m (9900 ft) maximum
Sound level< 70 dB< 70 dB
Computer SpecificationsMaterial PropertiesEmbedded computer running Windows 7 32 bit
Touch Screen
Embedded computer running Windows 7 32 bit
Touch Screen
*The instrument is designed for laboratory environmental conditions or better. Dust levels should be minimized although the instrument is well covered by shields and internal cabinetry to ensure adequate protection under the advised operational conditions.

Key Features

Ultra-Rapid Microbiology Detection (Rapid Microbiology Analyzer)

  • Automated cell labeling
  • Digital Data Processing
  • Quantitative results in minutes
  • Up to 40 samples per hour
  • VILINK® remote diagnostics & resolution
  • LIMS compatible for data tracking and compliance
  • Rapid enumeration and presence/absence results

Key Industries

  • Biopharmaceutical and Biotechnology
  • Cosmetics & Personal Care
  • Education & Academics
  • Food & Beverage
  • Pharmaceutical



A global leader in in vitro diagnostics for more than 50 years, bioMérieux has always been driven by a pioneering spirit and unrelenting commitment to improve public health worldwide. Today, in more than 150 countries through 42 subsidiaries and a large network of distributors, bioMérieux provides diagnostic solutions that improve patient health and ensure consumer safety.

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