Showing all 5 results

  • Ecoclean – Aqueous Cleaning Solutions

    Today environmentally friendly aqueous cleaning has taken on the most important role for the intermediate and final cleaning of parts. They tend to be preferred if a large quantity has to be cleaned and/or fine and finest cleaning has to be carrie...

    Today environmentally friendly aqueous cleaning has taken on the most important role for the intermediate and final cleaning of parts. They tend to be preferred if a large quantity has to be cleaned and/or fine and finest cleaning has to be carried out.

    Cleaning systems for aqueous cleaning are available as flow-through spray units, single-chamber and multi-chamber systems. To attain a sufficient level of cleaning we integrate mechanical applications into the system, such as ultrasonics or injection flood washing, for example.

  • Ecoclean – Cleaning System – EcoCcompact

    The EcoCcompact is a single-chamber cleaning system for industrial parts cleaning and preservation with nonhalogenated hydrocarbons and modified alcohols operating under full vacuum.

    It offers a high cl...

    The EcoCcompact is a single-chamber cleaning system for industrial parts cleaning and preservation with nonhalogenated hydrocarbons and modified alcohols operating under full vacuum.

    It offers a high cleaning quality at short cycle times combined with a maximum of flexibility for diverse cleaning tasks. With its flexible modular system (from 1 to 3 tank version) the EcoCcompact is easily adapted to individual customer needs. The system is therefore suitable for a broad application range from rapid degreasing up to demanding cleaning operations in compliance with exacting cleanliness specifications.

    The EcoCcompact is suitable for a broad range of application from rapid degreasing up to demanding cleaning operations in compliance with exacting cleanliness specifications.

  • Ecoclean – Cleaning System – EcoCwave

    The EcoCwave is a powerful spray flood cleaning system with a vacuum-tight work chamber. At the user’s option, it can be equipped for either two or three independent cleaning steps. The use of upright cylindrical flood tanks,w...

    The EcoCwave is a powerful spray flood cleaning system with a vacuum-tight work chamber. At the user’s option, it can be equipped for either two or three independent cleaning steps. The use of upright cylindrical flood tanks,which have been developed for fine cleaning applications, ensure an optimized fluid management, a high flexibility and improved process quality.

    Offering a choice of two different work chamber sizes, the system enables you to make-up your individual specific batches. Therefore per-unit product costs are minimized. For your EcoCwave machine, Ecoclean offers an extensive range of options which are individually selectable to suit your requirements.

  • Ecoclean – Solvent Cleaning Solutions

    A common cleaning media for wet-chemical processes are solvents.

    Depending on the targetted cleanliness, the material compatibility and the nature of the contamination that has to be cleaned off either ...

    A common cleaning media for wet-chemical processes are solvents.

    Depending on the targetted cleanliness, the material compatibility and the nature of the contamination that has to be cleaned off either (non-halogenated) hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents or polar solvents may be selected

  • Ecoclean – Solvent-based Cleaning – EcoCcore

    The system design of the EcoCcore combines all the benefits of a solventbased cleaning system with extremely simple operation.

    With the EcoCcore system, the Ecoclean company has designed a solvent clean...

    The system design of the EcoCcore combines all the benefits of a solventbased cleaning system with extremely simple operation.

    With the EcoCcore system, the Ecoclean company has designed a solvent cleaning machine which is perfectly tailored to satisfy these requirements. The system offers maximum flexibility and high capacity with respect to throughput and volumes, with optimized cost efficiency as the result.

    Maximum flexibility and high capacity with enhanced cost efficiency. The system design of the EcoCcore combines all the benefits of a solvent-based cleaning system with extremely simple operation.