Showing all 4 results

  • LaboGene – Biological Safety Cabinet – Mars

    The air flow enters the work chamber of the cabinet via the front aperture and continues under the worktop and up the back plenum, where 70% is recirculated through the main HEPA filter, to provide the down flow protection and 30 % exits out throu...

    The air flow enters the work chamber of the cabinet via the front aperture and continues under the worktop and up the back plenum, where 70% is recirculated through the main HEPA filter, to provide the down flow protection and 30 % exits out through the HEPA filter to exhaust.

    The Mars unique design incorporating laminator technology with down flow fans and a single exhaust fan, digitally controlled, ensures true laminar flow and turbulent-free air distribution throughout the work chamber. This advancement results in lower noise levels, a vibration free work area, a longer filter lifetime and lower energy consumption.

    The vertical laminar flow recirculation provides operator protection by means of the inflow, product protection by means of the down flow and environmental protection by means of the filtered exhaust.

  • LaboGene – Biological Safety Cabinet – Mars Pro

    Mars Pro series of Class 2 Safety cabinet with “Safe Change” triple filter configuration is your guarantee of ultimate safety when working with Cytostatic drugs or materials. Whether in research, production or dispensing, the Mars Pro ...

    Mars Pro series of Class 2 Safety cabinet with “Safe Change” triple filter configuration is your guarantee of ultimate safety when working with Cytostatic drugs or materials. Whether in research, production or dispensing, the Mars Pro cabinets keeps you, your laboratory and the environment safe and contamination free at all times.

  • LaboGene – Freeze Dryer – Coolsafe Touch 1110-4

    Freeze Dryers – CoolSafe

    Bench top models with -55 ºC to -110 ºC condenser temperatures and 4, 9 or 15 liter capacities and 2 floor standing models with 80 liter condensers at -55 ºC or -95 ºC. They are offered as Basic, Pr...

    Freeze Dryers – CoolSafe

    Bench top models with -55 ºC to -110 ºC condenser temperatures and 4, 9 or 15 liter capacities and 2 floor standing models with 80 liter condensers at -55 ºC or -95 ºC. They are offered as Basic, Pro, Touch or Superior Touch versions with full microprocessor programming for time, temperature and pressure with optional pressure regulation or documentation or control by computer.

    Accessories include a range of acrylic chambers with racks & shelves – with or without electric heating -, stoppering and manifolds for flasks and ampoules for all types of applications.

    Coolsafe Touch 110-4

    Lowest ice condenser -110 degree C provide a wide range of application. Touch screen with programable to automatic freeze dry function that easy to use.

  • LaboGene – Vertical laminair flow sterile cabinet – Fortuna

    The Fortuna is a series of vertical sterile laminar airflow cabinets.

    The air enters the sterile cabinet from the top of the chamber passing through a pre-filter prior to the main filter to provide laminar down flow, which ensures ultimate ...

    The Fortuna is a series of vertical sterile laminar airflow cabinets.

    The air enters the sterile cabinet from the top of the chamber passing through a pre-filter prior to the main filter to provide laminar down flow, which ensures ultimate product protection. The air flow will thereafter exit from both the front aperture and the rear of the work surface, thus providing a positive pressure environment. The turbulent-free airflow provides a clean, sterile work chamber with complete protection for your products against microbiological intrusion or contamination.

    The Fortuna range of cabinets, the ideal choice for your laboratory, wherever a sterile working area is required. PCR, cell culture, microbiology applications, microprocessor manufacturing, plant tissue culture, micro-electronics assembly, optics servicing, are just some examples of installations of the Fortuna range.