TA Instruments – Rheology – Viscometers


    DKSH Technology Limited (Head Office)
    2533 Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak, Phrakhanong,
    Bangkok 10260, Thailand

    +66 2 639 7000


  • Viscometers Factsheet – TA Instruments

Our Viscometers incorporate the latest measurement technology for the traditional Mooney viscosity, Mooney scorch, and the dynamic viscosity of glasses, slags, and mold powders in the glass, ceramics and metals industries.

Available Models

Technical Specifications

Viscosity η10 – 107 dPA s
Temperature RangeRT to 1500°C or 100°C to 1700°C
Temperature Resolution0.1°C
Sample volume13.8 or 9.2 cm-3
Rotor diameter9 or 19 mm
Measuring system materialPt/Rh 30%
Torque Range0.1 to 50 mN m
Torque Accuracy±1%
Angular Velocitymax. 80 rad/s
Angular Velocity Resolution10-4 rad

The high temperature viscometers VIS 403 and VIS 403HF measure the dynamic viscosity of materials with Newtonian behavior such as glasses, slags or mold powder. The instrument operates by measuring the shear stress and shear rate of a rotating bob immersed in a fluid filled cup under controlled temperature. Two different bob and cup configurations are available based on the viscosity of the test fluid. Tests may be conducted in controlled stress or controlled rate conditions, and under isothermal or temperature ramp programs.

Technical Specifications

Rotational Speed2 rpm (Standard)
Temperature RangeAmbient to 200°C
Torque Range0.01 to 200 MU
RotorsLarge: 38.10 mm D / Small: 30.48 mm D
Test ModesMooney Viscosity / Mooney Scorch / Stress Relaxation (Linear, Logarithmic, ISO, Mooney Stress-relaxation Rate)
StandardsASTM D1646, ISO 289, DIN 53525

Key Features

  • Superior design for unmatched data precision and accuracy
  • Extremely rigid test frame for accurate compliance-free data
  • Low mass rotor design and direct heating for fast and accurate temperature control
  • Available high resolution variable speed direct drive motor
  • Automated internal torque calibration
  • Long-life user-replaceable seals
  • Powerful and Intuitive Scarabaeus Software available in multiple languages
  • Large (38.10 mm) and small (30.48 mm) diameter rotors Mooney viscosity, stress relaxation, scorch


TA instruments

TA instruments provides innovative material characterization instruments that are widely used for research, analysis, and quality control in the evaluation of physical properties. We are the world’s leading supplier of thermal analysis, rheology, and microcalorimetry instruments, and our product areas have expanded to include thermal conductivity & diffusivity, dilatometry, rubber testing, and dynamic mechanical characterization.

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